Welcome to Ham Radio Plus USA !
What the Club has to offer?
The system - The Harp USA club repeater system is setup and located on Santiago Peak. The coverage is excellent if you are located in Riverside, Orange and Los Angeles County. And soon on Mt. Lukens @ 2021.
The Activities - The club never misses the yearly ARRL Field Day and the CQP Contest. We usually have camping activities once a year and Quarterly Club meetings. We encourage all our members to help in all the club activities and to suggest additional activities for the club.
Projects - The club supports a number of projects. The club Winlink project is once setup in Manila Philippines in 2003 to 2011 and is maintained by our sister club Flare, Inc. (DX1FLR). This is now back in California and is now setup to support Emergency Communication in Los Angeles. The club have an Echolink System. We also have the All-Star link system. We also have an Emcomm (Emergency Communication)Trailer .
The club maintains a Packet Radio Network system. We are also working on setting up AREDN club Nodes.
Contest Station (K6UD) - The Club has it's own Contest Station in Warner Springs , CA sponsored by KJ6EOV/Mike at his Sky Ranch.
Amateur Radio Community Participation - The club supports the yearly International Grand Eye ball QSO. In 2007 the club hosted the 14th International GEB -QSO in a luxury cruise ship.