Can I use the PAREDN Network Gateways even though I am not a member of the paredn group?
Absolutely! The Paredn Network is first and foremost for all Ham Radio stations to utilize.
It was created with the notion that it will provide
a service to the Amateur Radio community.
Can I setup my own winlink Gateway?
Absolutely! Any legit Amateur Radio station can setup a Winlink Gateway. Whether you want this Gateway to be part of the Paredn network or not is all up to you.
Can you provide the equipment and I will provide the location for setup?
We have done this in most of our existing gateways. If we think your location will benefit the network and community as a whole, then give us a call or get in touch so we can start our analysis of the location.
What Frequencies are available for Digital Data communication?
According to the NTC Memo Circular 02-06-2019 Annex 1-E, Frequency 144.100 to 146.000 & 420.000 to 450.000 is good to use for Data as well as for CW and Phone. We advise all Ham Radio stations to make sure no one is using the frequency before starting a digital data qso. Also make sure we don't use the Satellite frequencies from 145.860 - 146.000.